Indian Ameri


Me sailin ter yerr white deserrrt... Arrrrr!!

First time in a month, I'm leaving my lab with a backpack devoid of any journal articles nor books. While, the reason points towards a break from some serious research, my mind works the other way round. It's a frozen sand storm outside the shelters. The trees are drooping in ice cold dead weight, the electric cables all seem to snap and fall into the pool of melting ice, bicycles and cars seem to have taken life and gone defensively porcupine in an attempt to emphasize the disadvantages of global warming. The city seems deserted with everyone taking the declared emergency holiday on their benefit. A few souls still loiter in the breezy white ocean extracting fun out of the slippery slopes and crappy creeps. Fortunate me, had a wonderful time walking over ice caps, energizing my battery-dead mind with some smiles and finally spending from the long saved lunch money on a hot Mexican gumbo with extra hot spicy yummy "raaasshhhhh" soup. I guess, I'll take the liberty to walk back for the lab later tonight and encounter more fun as I return for my nap.
As it is well said, "Winter is never cold for those with warm memories"
As I crazily put, "Winter is never slippery for those who've already fallen in love (with the peaceful whiteness :P) and never dark for those who see stars in glistening ice"

(An image of 'myself pointing my forefinger over my right ear towards the right eye and rotating the finger' flashes as I finish this post....) ;)
posted by Unknown at Wednesday, January 28, 2009



"(An image of 'myself pointing my forefinger over my right ear towards the right eye and rotating the finger' flashes as I finish this post....) ;)"

Another harism for the book. Man, you have talent :)

10:04 PM  

I'll take the sarcasm as a compliment... ;)

12:45 AM  

that wasnt sarcasm - that got lost on you AAGES before :)

like i always tell u ur like Yogi berra and J.D.Salinger - with your trademark 'isms'


1:23 AM  

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