Indian Ameri


An Unfinished Post

"The chain of screaming - How I met your mother." Strange how a sitcom television series can depict the funny side of the most tensed part of ones life. Here is where everything started to seem interestingly funny in my life. And it went till the end of the season.

What I did with a couple of supporting great friends during the day of a very high temperature of fever: All we did was talk for about 3 hrs on Chennai roads and directions, Defense and night vision goggles, Ramayan - Mahabarath, Moses, Jesus, Bibles, Da Vinci Code, Passion of Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, Wars of Mahabharath, Constant of light, cork screw rule, Right hand thumb rule, Cigarette style competition, Cigarrette bud configuration, Chapstick principle, Marker and permanent highlighter. I was happy that I know where I can use my knowledge and where not to. I am gifted in finding the right friends too. :D
posted by Unknown at Wednesday, February 25, 2009


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