Indian Ameri


The Right Decision

Every now and then, people decide to take the road less taken. Well, somehow, I always end up taking the road less traveled, and end up having the most memorable journey through these non navigated paths. About 4 years ago, as I decided to dive into the PhD of Biochemical Engg, I was greeted with mixed feelings. Being the first person ever among a huge Chirra family of Doctors, Dentists, Engineers, Businessmen, Lawyers, etc I was given enough advice as I put my leg into the depths of PhD. (Note: The Chirra family tree, as per 'this away from family' guy's count alone comes to be a little over 70. No kidding guys. My dad is the ninth child to my grandparents. Consider their siblings, etc). 'Enough Advice' is a relative term, which in short sentences would add up as "Blood from my ears".

But as years moved on, as I tanned under the lights of mercury, in the closed basement cell, I slowly started to wait for those moments that define my PhD career. It is the wait that earns the respect of a PhD candidate rather than the degree as such. At times, the wait turns so gleem that one does ask the question of "What's happening to the PhD plan?" PhD life ain't just a strip of phdcomics. It is supposed to be more enchanting than a magical land of profits, and professions.

Today, as I spent nearly 13 hours (and still to be counted next 12 hours) firing neurons isotropically, at all angles, ends and sides, solving the thickest of the hypothesis' and theories with a class so filled with action, I realized, "F***!!! I am the best God damn PhD candidate ever. I rule my world." "Who cares, if I am lagging behind by a few papers? I just made the hardest project of my lab (from scratch) working for the team." Today, is one of those hard earned memorable pages that goes into the 'I did make the right decision of taking the PhD road' ballot box.

Long live this super geeks awesome brain..... :D
(Timely song at the background: 'Yeh Jo Pal' from Ru Ba Ru.... :D )

A Tip for those frustrated PhD candidates: Seriously don't listen to the bull shit talk of "Be Patient. It ll work out." Instead, start realizing that there is a lot to learn in PhD that is out of your subject too. Start appreciating yourselves for simple, out of PhD experience stuffs, such as fixing the printer, going out for purchasing work-related stuff, etc. Simple small things do add up to your work (no printer - no paper or no results/reports printed - get the point). Keep on ruing about your bad outcome coz it keeps your brain so active that you'll figure out something. It's much better than idling and accepting defeat in the name of 'patience pays'.

My recent driving belt for my work - I self gift myself for every work I accomplish in a stipulated period of time (which is the hardest thing to control in a PhDians life, unless, you are a schedule oriented zombie). Self gifting, is like having a chicken burrito instead of a veggie, or having a fling of snowball on the departments patio :D, etc.
posted by Unknown at Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Congrats!!!!!great to hear your effort paid off & the project got working....persistence aint easy in a PhD(-from experience with friends who are pursuing it) ;-))
PS;-Long time no see-so thought l barge in;-)..

3:27 AM  

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