Indian Ameri


When did I turn so mature?

I can't believe the things I had done so far this summer. There was a time I told people that I like wearing glasses coz it gives me the gentleman look. Yesterday some friends mocked at me for saying that, I am decent and am a gentleman. Guys I never meant u were bad (and I know that you guys were just making fun out of me). Sitting on the patio of the library, I went through the pages of my life and I was amazed by the way I had behaved and made decissions so far. One pat on my back from self. I am mature enough to think twice, fast and active before I make a decission which does and did not change my life, but many others'.. I am proud for what I am and what I had become. If people feel that I am too mature to have fun with, then I won't worry coz there is always a day you come to me for help coz you ain't trying to be mature though you have the quality in yourself....
posted by Unknown at Wednesday, July 25, 2007


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