Indian Ameri


Science of Hugh Grant

One of the most puzzling questions I had every faced - How come Hugh Grant is loved by most females in the US? Even UK is unacceptable, but US, this is ridiculous. I can't stand his acting or should I put it as his bromidic, irksome, dull stage show. Even Upen Patel of 36 China Town, can perform better than him. Seriously what is there in this guy that makes him get all the top actressess in the world smooching him. If you call it jealousy, then hell with you. Take any movie of his, compare it and u'll find out that he has no acting skills. But today, though I was still strong enough to avoid his movies, somehow managed to peek into imdb review on the movie 'About a kid'. The reviews sounded good and so watched it. The intro, as usual horrible and his ending scene, worse enough for me to hang myself. Fortunately, I had to admit that he has boresome monotonous skill in making even my ever active nephew start yawning today. He just sat on my lap the whole movie and watched it without any fuzz. Grant, salutations on ur skill. I would recommend movie lovers to watch this one for the kids performance, but definitely not for Hugh.
As for my nephew, so far I thought, he had got his grandpa's character in terms of sleep. But I was wrong. He not only wakes up at 3:30 every morning and plays with his toys (I come from lab around this time and see him playing. Actually he eases of all my stress before sleep), but now a days sleeps after midnight. This kid doesnt seem to get all the necessary sleep as any normal child would do. He lives entirely on power naps. Though I'm not supposed to talk about sleeping for hours, today I was a lil scared that somehow am inducing sleeplessness in him. I was confused about what to do to make him sleep. But as always research came to the rescue. I read a 'Science' paper on NEMS loud and clear in his room and presto - my nephew cuddled his teddy and slept sweet and cute. Science does have a good impact factor. But todays impact factor went high over the normal bar :D
posted by Unknown at Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I am sorry - your judgement sucks - I understand that u feel that Hugh Grant isnt all that Cool - But cmon dude Upen Patel is a fucken gi$#$o best suited to play leading roles in Porno flicks!

U know what - theres this theory that Yankee girls kinda like easy going guys with british accents ;)

5:19 AM  

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