Indian Ameri


Bumpy start to the week

"56 F. I can never understand what it means. I am a Desi" and switched to the metric system in my page. "13 degrees C and scattered showers. Hmmmm. I'll walk without the umbrella"
After depositing a couple of checks in the Clinic ATM I walked out and to my dismay it was raining cats and dogs and even donkeys. The gtalk status message idea-bulb popped and the filament burned strong. "He who knows his way around, knows how to keep his glasses dry"
A couple of minutes into the challenge, successfully routing through various administrative buildings, I ended up on a cross road. The next nearest shelter against rain was at least fifty meters from the spot I was standing toiling my mind over plausible other options.
A few minutes later, I reached my lab, knocked my head into the emergency lab shower and laughed at my accomplishment. Now, now. Don't assume that I made it across fifty meters of roofless rainy sky without getting wet. I just kept my word by removing my glasses and keeping it in my backpack (now you know why I got bumped into the shower)
;) :D
posted by Unknown at Monday, March 31, 2008


"Sometimes blurre vision is better than no vision". Ancinet Indian saying (that i just made up)! :D
Thanks for the fabulous compliments about my blog and my writing.
Really appreciate ie.
Have a great day.(considereing it is day in the US--all of us here about to drop off to sleep)

1:03 PM  

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